As part of the 18 km long M7 Mecidiyeköy - Mahmutbey
Metro Line project with 15 stations, planned between Kabataş and Esenyurt
and being the first stage of the first driverless metro line on the European
side; two shafts
with a diameter of 14.05 m and a length of 32 m and 42 m at the tunnels of the
Karadeniz Mahallesi station,
a tunnel excavation of about 800 m and shafts between km 19+762-KM 20+162 of Yüzyıl Station and
NATM tunnels were constructed.
Besides; within the scope of Kazım Karabekir Station, the
construction of 100 cm diameter and 10.000 m bored piles with a permanent
column, the manufacture of 120 cm diameter and 12.000 m bored pile retaining system
for construction with Top-Down method and conventional excavation method at
Göztepe Station, 2 Platform tunnel excavations Line 1 (168 m.) and Line 2 (187
m.) and also excavation and support works of 4 connection tunnels and 2 pedestrian
stair tunnels were carried out.